Grief Care is a seasonal program for individuals processing losses of all kinds. Each month, the program invites participants to reflect on a theme. Participants receive a beautiful, curated gift box to accompany each theme with a reading selection and other self-care items. We meet monthly in an online forum for meditation, restorative yoga, and a consultation with our resident herbalist. Participants can chose to participate in one season (Fall/ Winter/ Spring/ Summer), or in the full year-long program. The program will begin in the fall of 2023. Interested individuals who would like to participate or to support grieving individuals as grief guides can fill out an interest form here to request more information.


This program is unique in that it supports the whole person - including the body - in grief. To that end, the program includes guided meditations, yoga sequences and herbal teas designed specifically to quiet the mind, calm the nervous system and call forth the healing potential of plant medicine. Organic ingredients are used where possible.


The mind is a brilliant problem solver, but can be unproductive in situations that do not have solutions. This program seeks to cultivate gratitude for the mind’s good intentions while also providing techniques for disengaging from thinking to better inhabit the present moment. Our guided meditations and several of the reading resources will provide a number of tools for members to experiment with in the quest to harness the power of the mind without living under its tyranny.


Individuals in the throes of grief often have a greater awareness of both the vastness and fragility of the human experience. In this program, members are encouraged to engage with sacred texts of their choice as well as the poetry provided in the monthly gift boxes as a basis for connecting to this expanded awareness. Members are invited from all faith traditions including atheism and agnosticism. It is not necessary to share one’s beliefs to participate in the program. Rather, one is encouraged to explore and mine wisdom traditions for support.