A day at the parque...

Conveniently, in Aix we live near this ridiculous mansion and its surrounding grounds and parks. I take Jack there every afternoon to get out of the house and give Alex some time to himself.


Every day is an adventure. Yesterday Jack found himself in the midst of a big kid's birthday party and squirt gun fight. Yesterday he was flirting with a young Portuguese girl clearly on a school field trip. Then he met another 19 month old whose dad gave him a little cake.

Sometimes there is something for me too. I noticed that there was a small lending library box in the corner of the children's area. Inside I found a book of poems, René Char's En trente-trois morceaux (In 33 morsels) with wonderful one liners like this one (It is necessary to tremble to grow):


I spend my mornings at a cute cafe with a charismatic employee who is constantly castigating rude customers, sneaking out front to smoke cigarettes, affectionately greeting those making drop offs, and in other ways just being full of life. They also have adorable plastic trays for serving espresso. Basically heaven.
